
83. Seth Godin – Differentiation: How to Make Your Law Firm a Purple Cow

A year ago, we talked to Seth Godin, legendary marketer and entrepreneur, about how to apply his philosophies to your practice. In 2021, that discussion is more relevant than ever, so we’re releasing a new cut of this episode, with even more insights from Seth and Chris.

Seth will change the way you think; not just about marketing, but people, communication, and how the world works. He is an elite entrepreneur and the author of 19 best-selling books, including The Dip, Purple Cow, and, most recently, This is Marketing. He is a prolific blogger and has written over 7500 blog posts. In 2013, Seth was one of just three professionals inducted into the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame, and five years later he also earned a spot in the Marketing Hall of Fame. He teaches a variety of workshops, including his life-changing altMBA program, and hosts the renowned Akimbo podcast.

82. Dave Thomas, Law Tigers – The Universal Power of Niche

Dave Thomas didn’t start out in legal marketing, but he’s made a home here. As the National VP of Business Development at Law Tigers, he’s constantly finding new ways of expanding America’s largest network of motorcycle accident attorneys.

Law Tigers has been able to grow because they’ve specialized in motorcyclists; they’ve built knowledge and trust in a passionate community. In this episode, Dave and I discuss the power of niching down, handling referrals differently, and how to generate traction with potential customers.

81. Maria Monroy, LawRank — All SEO Is Local

Maria Monroy is the Co-Founder of LawRank, a San Diego firm that helps lawyers of all disciplines reach the front page of Google. As Director of Client Relations, it’s Maria’s job to translate to clients the invisible factors that dictate page rankings.

It’s a rare pleasure to have a fellow legal SEO authority on the podcast. We got deep in the weeds of local SEO, including exclusivity, and the importance of physical branch location.

80. Mike Papantonio, Levin, Papantonio, & Rafferty — Doing Well by Doing Good

Mike Papantonio is a living legend. His work on mass torts with Levin, Papantonio, Raferty has helped tens of thousands and his media has reached millions more. He’s one of the only living people to be inducted into the National Trial Lawyers Hall of Fame and several of his cases have been made into Netflix documentaries.

We were honored to have the chance to sit down with Mike and pick his brain about his conference, Mass Torts Made Perfect, and how he approaches media.

79. Shay Rowbottom, Shay Rowbottom Marketing — Getting Eyes on Your Brand with LinkedIn Video Marketing

Shay Rowbottom is the authority LinkedIn video marketing. Through her firm, Shay Rowbottom Marketing and her LinkedIn Bootcamp, she’s sharing the techniques that have gotten her millions of views from her 630K followers.

More than anyone, Shay’s got her finger on the pulse of LinkedIn. So we sat down to discuss what content plays well on LinkedIn, how businesses can approach video, and where the site is headed.

78. Harry Morton, Lower Street – Raising Your Podcast Game

Harry Morton runs Lower Street, an audio production company that focuses on branded podcasts for businesses across the globe. He’s launched podcasts for some of the biggest names in tech, as well as hosted his own daily podcast, Work From Home.

Harry lives and breathes audio. So we caught up with him to discuss its benefits as a marketing channel and the easy ways you can make your podcast better.