
36. Ben Bingham, Benson & Bingham – How to Retain Elite Talent, Acquire Reviews Through Competition, and Surround Yourself with a Motivated Team

Listen to this episode of The Rankings Podcast with Chris Dreyer as he interviews Ben Bingham of Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC, about how to propel your law firm to award-winning success. Together, they unfurl the secrets to retaining elite talent at your practice, acquiring valuable client reviews for your website, and motivating your team to go above and beyond. Stay tuned.

35. Bill Hauser, SMB Team – Personal Injury PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Marketing

Listen to this episode of The Rankings Podcast as host Chris Dreyer interviews Bill Hauser, CEO of the SMB Team, about what it takes to run a successful pay-per-click advertising campaign for your personal injury practice. Tune in as Bill discusses how to optimize and monetize your Google Ads, the metrics to gauge your PPC marketing success, and why you should be using his keyword alignment method.

34. Seth Godin – Making Your Personal Injury Law Firm Remarkable

In this episode of The Rankings Podcast, host Chris Dreyer sits down with renowned blogger, entrepreneur, and speaker Seth Godin to talk about how to make your personal injury law firm remarkable. They discuss how the “purple cow” analogy relates to law firms, the best strategies for differentiating your practice, and which marketing books you should pick up today. Stay tuned.

33. Cameron Herold, COO Alliance – How to Find Your Perfect Second-in-Command

Tune in to this episode of The Rankings Podcast as host Chris Dreyer talks to Cameron Herold, Founder of COO Alliance, about his play-by-play strategy for recruiting the perfect second-in-command. Cameron shares his expert advice on interviewing for culture fit, networking with industry leaders, and, as a bonus, leveraging free PR tactics to improve your firm’s SEO rankings.

32. Michael T. Gibson, P.A., Auto Justice Attorney – Creating a Unique Selling Proposition, Multi-Channel Marketing, and Being Authentic

In this episode of The Rankings Podcast, host Chris Dreyer chats with Michael T. Gibson, president and lead attorney at Michael T. Gibson, P.A., Auto Justice Attorney, about his journey toward marketing success. Michael discusses how he discovered his unique niche, the strategies he uses to dominate a saturated market, and why staying authentic to yourself is the best thing you can do for your brand. Stay tuned.

31. Chris Dreyer, Rankings.io – Part II. – Content Marketing for Attorneys

Tune in to this episode of The Rankings Podcast with host Chris Dreyer and Dr. Jeremy Weisz of Rise25 Media to learn the ins and outs of content marketing for attorneys. Chris discusses how the value of SEO compares to that of paid advertising, the best ways to use blogging to attract clients, and what exactly your practice area pages should contain.